ISO, OHSAS, EMS Certified

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Guaranteed standards for quality, safety and efficiency of our services and systems.

Each year, the ISO audit checks if the processes at GCC are running smoothly. All our employees are up-to-date in the way we work, which tools we use, and how we complete our administration, sales and project processes. The yearly audit makes sure that we keep on improving and monitoring these processes. This way, we are able to provide our services to our customers in the best way possible.


GCC contracting is ISO certified, which ensures the business delivers a consistent level of quality to its customers by having well defined and regularly reviewed processes and procedures.


It is OHSAS certified, which means an organisation has a health and safety management system compliant with the high requirements of the OHSAS 18001 standard.


It is EMS certified, which means that the environmental management system performance actually delivers ongoing, substantial and sustainable improvement.